Category: PHP

Most Popular PHP Frameworks

A PHP frameworks is a platform which allow user to create PHP web applications and provides user a structure to develop web apps which called MVC. This structure provide speed up to the development to developer. 1. Laravel Laravel is the most popular free open-source PHP framework which is created by Taylor Otwell. Laravel structure

PHP Array: with all type of array

PHP array is a variable which can store multiple value in a single variable. Its work with Key & Value, means each Value is associated with Unique Key or Index Number. In PHP an array() function used to create arrays variable. Syntax of PHP Array is as follows: $fruits = array(“Apple”, “Banana”, “Watermelon”, “Coconut”, “Pomegranate”);

How to change XAMPP port number?

Sometimes you need to install more than one server or applications like Skype, iis etc. on your PC. And when you trying to open XAMPP server you will get an error message like ‘Port number is busy or Port number is used by another application ’. SO, you don’t need to worry about. This error

How to send email using PHP?

Sending emails in PHP are very common. PHP has pre inbuilt mail() function. You can send email using PHP mail() function easily. Basic syntax of mail function in PHP given below:- mail(to, subject, message, headers, parameters) Let’s understand the parameters mentioned in mail function. To: used for Recipient email id. Subject: used for email subject

PHP MySQL User Login Code

User Login code with PHP and MySQL is very simple. To complete process of Login and Logout there are 4 pages. config.php : Define all database connection and configuration in this page. login.php : Containing Login Form and PHP login code. account.php : In this page display Welcome Message and Logout button. logout.php : It

What is PHP?

PHP is a language which supports server side scripting and mainly used to create Static websites, Dynamic websites and Web applications. Its also called hypertext preprocessor as its libraries are already compiled. When you request for any PHP page in the address bar of the browser that request is first sent to the server then