A PHP frameworks is a platform which allow user to create PHP web applications and provides user a structure to develop web apps which called MVC. This structure provide speed up to the development to developer.
1. Laravel
![laravel laravel logo](https://www.phpcodenmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/laravel.png) |
Laravel is the most popular free open-source PHP framework which is created by Taylor Otwell. Laravel structure follow “model view controller (MVC)” architectural pattern. That’s why it can handle complex web applications securely and it’s faster than other frameworks. Laravel simplifies the development. To create complex backend or develop large web application we can use Laravel. |
2. CodeIgniter
![codeigniter codeigniter logo](https://www.phpcodenmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/codeigniter.png) |
CodeIgniter is loosely based on model-view-controller (MVC). It’s only 2 MB in size, including the all documentation. CodeIgniter is suitable for developing dynamic websites. In CodeIgniter controller classes are a necessary part of development and models and views are optional.
PHP creator Rasmus Lerdorf spoke, noting liked CodeIgniter “because it is faster, lighter and the least like a framework.” CodeIgniter is a lightweight and easy to install unlike other frameworks. |
3. Symfony
![symfony symfony logo](https://www.phpcodenmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/symfony.png) |
The Symfony was published as free open-source on October 18, 2005. Symfony is reusable PHP components and it is a PHP web application framework. Symfony speed up the creation of web applications and replace repetitive coding tasks.
Symfony is little harder to start and its targets to advanced developers, unlike Laravel focus on simplicity and any developer can start work with it even who are not advanced.Due to difficult security mechanism, it is slower than other frameworks. |
4. CakePHP
![cakephp cakephp logo](https://www.phpcodenmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/cakephp.png) |
CakePHP is a PHP web framework which is open-source. It is very simple and elegant toolkit to develop any web application. CakePHP using convention over configuration, model-view-controller (MVC), active record, association data mapping, and front controller as structure.
CakePHP is easy to learn, because its CRUD nature which means “create, read, update, and delete” framework. CakePHP Plugins allow developers to package combinations of controllers, models, views and other classes for reuse in multiple applications and by other developers. In CakePHP you can install plugins by using Composer. |
5. Yii
![yii yii logo](https://www.phpcodenmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/yii.png) |
Yii means “simple and evolutionary” and its pronounced as “Yee”. Yii stands for “Yes it is!” It’s an open source PHP web application framework, which follow object-oriented and component-based MVC structure. Yii is suitable to develop all kinds of web applications, that’s why it is a universal web programming framework.
It has an easy installation process ans suitable to develop such as e-commerce, any type of portals, CMS panel, forums and many more applications. |
6. Zend Framework
![zend zend logo](https://www.phpcodenmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/zend.png) |
Zend Framework or ZF is an open source, object-oriented web application framework implemented in PHP 7 and it is using interfaces and inheritance makes it extendable. PHPUnit use to check package dependency managers for testing all packages and Zend uses various packages with Composer. |
7. Phalcon
![phalcon phalcon logo](https://www.phpcodenmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/phalcon.png) |
Mainly Phalcon was originally written in C and C++ which released in 2012.Phalcon is a bit of an oddity when it comes to PHP frameworks.This sounds odd, but in practice it results fastest frameworks. Phalcon is easy to install and secure to create highly configurable web applications. Due to efficient memory utilization Phalcon optimizes performance, unlike other frameworks. You can try Phalcon to create a blazing fast website. |
8. FuelPHP
![fuelphp fuelphp logo](https://www.phpcodenmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/fuelphp.png) |
FuelPHP is a flexible open source web application framework which was released in 2011. FuelPHP implement HMVC pattern which means “Hierarchical Model-View-Controller” framework. In HMVC controller returns partial page like comments, menus, etc., instead of whole page. |
9. PHPixie
![phpixie phpixie logo](https://www.phpcodenmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/phpixie.png) |
PHPixie released in 2012, it also follow HMVC pattern like FuelPHP. Its features are HMVC architecture, input validation, standard ORM “object-relational mapping”, authentication, authorization capabilities and caching. We can easily develop social networking websites, customized web applications, and web app using PHPixie. |
10. Slim
![slim slim logo](https://www.phpcodenmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/slim.png) |
Slim is a popular PHP Micro Framework, which is simple to write and powerful web applications and API. It supports dependency injection to complete control external tools. With Slim you can easily manipulate HTTP message like method, status, URI, headers, cookies and body. |