The Best PHP Testing Frameworks

In today world PHP is used for large-scale websites like. To deliver quality and accurate code, its necessary to perform testing with developed code or website. For testing these codes there are certain PHP Testing Frameworks are available in the market, which turns the testing the website or application easier and precise.

For test debugging in PHP there are many collection of PHP Testing Frameworks. Mainly framework is collection or set of tools and processes, which work together for testing and development activities. In this blog you can find the best PHP testing framework like:

  1. PHPUnit
  2. Storyplayer
  3. Codeception
  4. Selenium
  5. SimpleTest
  6. Behat
  7. PhpSpec


It is the most used testing framework for unit test of PHP application. With help of this testing tool we are testing small part of code which called unit. The process is small in this testing and takes time due to unit testing but the chance of getting debug are very less.

This tool used with command line means CMD and we can extend the test case as our requirement. It uses code declaration to test conduct of unit, because of xUnit engineering PHPUnit function as Unit Testing Framework.


Storyplayer is an open-source PHP testing framework is used to automating functional and non-functional requirements of PHP code. Due to modular and easy to use we can use it to test both back-end and front-end of our website or applications which are developed in PHP. This PHP framework support for creating and destroying test environment on demand and it follow TDD testing approach.


Codeception is widely used PHP testing framework which used for testing of web applications and also used for unit testing, we can use it for functional testing of web apps. Its testing execution speed is very high that’s why it gained immense popularity and it has an ability to maintain code modules. It supports three level of testing which are acceptance testing, functional testing and unit testing.


Selenium is an open source automated testing frameworks, which use mainly to test web applications. Selenium has its own webDriver API that’s why any user use it either on local system or on a remote machine. Selenium is a sophisticated testing framework that automates browsers which means it’s possible to write your own Acceptance Tests that examine entire application as a whole. It has mainly four components:-

Selenium IDE
Selenium RC
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium Grid

These components use truly depend on our testing requirements and these are designed for our specific requirement of our applications.


SimpleTest is a PHP testing framework mainly used to test unit testing and website testing. There are unique feature, which is inbuilt browser and it allow user to navigate to different web pages and perform testing. SimpleTest handling cookies when it fetching various pages and supporting HTML display. Its testing execution is fast and easy to understand to find bugs in unit testing.


Behat is an open-source PHP testing framework and it supporting Behavior Driven Development (BDD) for testing. Due to BDD structure it contains the Context, Action and Outcome, and these formats called Gherkin. Its code is usually very simple in English language which is easily understandable by developer or tester who work on project. This PHP testing framework is easy to install and in implementation.


Phpspec is also another Behavior Driven Development (BDD) framework which used for unit testing. This Phpspec contains specifications which written in easy English language which helps us in understanding our tests.